We’re a no-nonsense, hands-on, family-owned, local business. We believe in treating owners, tenants and vendors—and the everyday person on the street—with fairness and respect, because that’s what makes our community a great place to live and raise a family. We train our staff well and pay them accordingly; because of that, we expect great things from our staff, so they can deliver great things to you: our owners and tenants.
We believe that in this complex and challenging world, that simple and straight-forward is good. If you like solid, reliable, professional-grade results, mixed with small-town charm and grit, then you should “dive in” with us (that’s a Kingfisher joke; kingfishers are diving birds).
What’s our actual approach, you say? We try to look through the eyes of our clients and customers…
We believe tenants want a nice place to live, with decent neighbors, and a landlord that isn’t a jerk. Simple, right? It would be nice to have smooth communication and timely repairs, too. Tenants are in luck, because at Kingfisher we find it rewarding to provide quality housing to people of every stripe, and to make their lives easier whenever we can. At Kingfisher we accomplish this by using top shelf software, and by treating folks the way we want to be treated.
What about owners? We believe owners want (1) somebody that recognizes their property is an enormous financial investment that needs to be protected, and (2) somebody to handle the day-to-day nitty-gritty while keeping up with changing laws. Simple, right? That’s Kingfisher Property Management: working daily on your property value while staying educated. We accomplish this by focusing our business solely on property management, and staying connected to local organizations like Linn-Benton Rental Housing Association, where we serve on the Board of Directors.